
Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Spring has finally arrived, and as the first holiday of the season approaches, this is the perfect time to synchronize with the season and make a fresh start.

In keeping with the concept of "synchronicity" with the season, I am starting off the season with a Spring Cleaning, and I am inviting you come along with me on the journey. I am referring to a Physical Spring Cleaning, i.e. The Master Cleanse , with which many of you are already familiar.

A couple of weeks ago I posted a "call to action" to my Facebook family and friends to join me in a 21 day cleanse, using the Master Cleanse process. I suggested that we begin by "easing into" the process by slowly weening away from our usual fare of food consumption, and to begin to mentally prepare ourselves for the journey of cleansing our body-temples for what will be an eleven or twenty-one day process of fasting and cleansing.

With the first holiday of the spring season approaching this weekend - I am giving everyone one last look at the "table of plenty", and come next Monday - May 31st, 2010, it's on, and our cleansing journey officially begins.

Let me add this little tidbit as an inspiring "push". It doesn't matter how you arrived at this blog, whether it was from a business link, or a personal email from me, or from just hanging out on Facebook or Twitter for fun, this "call to action" around bringing your health consciousness into focus is all encompassing, and if you are here reading this, it is because you are suppose to be here, however you got here. That's all I have to say on this. The time to come out of the fog of denial and procrastination regarding our responsibility for our health is here. Use the energy of the spring season to support your personal commitment to begin your journey toward cleansing and healing your body.

More to follow ... I promise.


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