
Friday, October 23, 2009



These are times of incredible challenges. What to do? Keep moving forward! Period! Whatever you have chosen as the vision for who you are at this time in your life - be about it, stay on course, remain positive no matter what - keep your energy level high. Check out the Abraham material from the Hick's (very enlightening stuff).;n;?track_id=9#tracks9

If you find yourself getting antsy, spend time reading something that uplifts you, i.e. the bible, poetry, comedy, self improvement articles, whatever it takes to keep you in a state of "joy" no matter what is happening around you. The point of all this is to trick your mind into actually believing that "all is well", because it actually is, in spite of what your current circumstances may be to the contrary, because this too shall pass. Perception is everything! And what your mind can believe - your higher-self can achieve! Get your rest, eat healthy (avoid red meat please! I will expand on that at a later date), drink less (alcohol), stay in the loop and be among good company - above all don't isolate yourself.


Be available to those in your circle who are willing to give you support. We tend to use the "fear tactic" of hiding - for "fear" someone may get a hint that things aren't quite right with us, and God forbid if anyone should find out the "real deal" of what you're experiencing ... right - no wrong. This is your life so own it! And furthermore, you're not experiencing anything unique to the human experience. Stuff happens! Period! So stop fronting and get real! If you've already reached out for support from a friend or a co-worker, or a family member and all you've gotten were rejections or insincerity, or just plain b.s., whatever you do, don't internalize their lack of support - just find someone who is willing to support you during this time, and keep it moving

I'm not suggesting you go around wearing your problems on your sleeve, bringing everybody down. But unless you're facing a life-treating disease, so-what if things have gotten a little bumpy - that's life, so handle your challenges with honesty and dignity, be an example for others whose time will surely come. In other words show some character. Stop whining and step on up to the plate with the attitude that you're going to turn the game around by knocking your problems out of the stadium, like the player you know you are. Because attitude is everything in the game of life, and loosing is not an option! Period!


The tipping point to this whole "challenge" thing is that you continue to expand regardless to what is happening in your life right now. In other words, the moment you become whatever it is you feel is missing in your current life-experience that will be the moment things start turning around. Here's how that works. Whatever you're in need of, give it away. Put another way, that which you wish to have, cause another to have it. If you need support, give it, if you desire knowledge - be a source of it to someone else - if you need money - share what you have no matter how small the amount. It's not about quantity it's about the act itself. That which you would desire to experience, cause another to experience. If you want love - give it to others by performing "acts of kindness." If it's a blessing you need, be a blessings to someone else. In so doing, you will begin to realize that you already possess the changes you want to see in your life.

In other words - when you begin to walk your talk you will discover that your good deeds connect you to your good karma. and while you're waiting for the tide to turn your situation around, be for someone else what you desire for yourself. Remember only you can re-create the change you want to happen in your life - and the quickest way to see that change take place is by choosing love over fear, and actually becoming what it is you desire to see manifest in your own experience.

Through this process, instead of resisting change, embrace it however it shows up. Remember what you resist persists, and what you look at disappears, but what you envision becomes your reality; not in some distant future, but right now in the present moment. So see it and become it. In the meantime, have compassion for yourself, be patient, don't worry. If you don't want DON'T THINK ABOUT IT. Take it one day at a time - and no matter what is going on in your present circumstances - KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE PRIZE because winter always turns to spring!!!